
* 依更新时间排序

Brand Name * New Before
Carlsberg 嘉士伯 That calls for a Carlsberg Probably the best lager in the World
Bridgestone Your Journey, Our Passion Passion for Excellence
Microsoft 微软 Be What’s Next Your potential, Our Passion
Sony Make·believe
Apple 苹果
There’s an app for that
(iOS&App Store)
The Power to Be Your Best
Think different
伊利 Yili 滋养生命活力
Pizzahut 必胜客 Pizza and more 开心时刻必胜客
KFC 肯德基 生活如此多娇 有了肯德基,生活好滋味
李宁 Lining Make the change 一切皆有可能
McDonald‘s 麦当劳 i’mlovin’it You deserve a break today
IKEA 宜家 我的家,我要的生活 家,世界上最重要的地方
Kappa We Are One
Volkswagen 大众汽车 Das Auto. Drivers wanted.
Canon 佳能 Delighting You Always See what we mean
Cisco 思科 Welcome to the Human Network. Empowering the Internet Generation
Acura Ahead(尚前) The True Definition of Luxury. Yours.
BMW 宝马 The ultimate driving machine
Burger King 汉堡王 Have it your way
Gillette 吉利 The best a man can get
Intel 英特尔 Leap ahead Intel inside
IBM Smarter Planet Solutions for a small planet
Jaguar 捷豹 Don’t dream it. Drive it!
Johnny Walker Keep Wailking
UPS We love logistics Moving at the speed of business
Visa Go with Visa It’s everywhere you want to be
Nike 耐克 Just do it
Johnson &Johnson 强生 因爱而生(中文)
Bausch & Lomb 博士伦 看见更有远见
Philips 飞利浦 Sense and simplicity
Siemens 西门子 THIS IS HOW(知其道 用其妙)
AT&T Rethink Possible Your World. Delivered.
UPS We Love Logistics
Panasonic 松下 ideas for life
Toshiba 东芝 leading innovation
GE 通用电器 Imagination at work

编者按:曾经的时间只有回忆,但是一些响亮的口号也随着斗转星移离我们远去。Slogan是近几年出现频率增高的一个词汇,她并不神秘,她就在我们的耳边回响。记住她。我们在此相遇,一起分享这份年华的美丽。(原文载于Vansgn/blog 2008年1月3日)